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I spent my life



studying, living & working in big cities:  

New York, LA, Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans, DC.


And in all of these cities, I worked in the most hectic & chaotic hospitals. Within these hospitals, I was running the Emergency Rooms--I practiced Emergency Medicine for over 15 years! 


I saw people from every walk of life, from every socioeconomic level, from every background and from every country.


Being a doctor and practicing medicine was not at all the dream I thought it would be.


Throughout residency and as an attending physician, I was constantly frustrated. I was slapping bandaids on much deeper problems. Western medicine was only addressing physical symptoms and not considering any other factors such as behavioral, emotional, mental, & spiritual influences on the body.


By only addressing their physical symptoms & dis-ease, I was not doing my patients justice.  I knew there were deeper reasons, subconscious forces at play that had brought them to the point of i physical illness.


I was also going through major problems in my relationships--  I knew my dissatisfaction with work and the issues in my personal life were related.


The Universe was about to hand me a huge wake-up call... 


It was 2012. I was working overnight in an incredibly busy & challenging hospital in Los Angeles. I took care of incarcerated patients at this hospital. While the security guard uncuffed a patient from his stretcher, so a nurse could place him into a gown, the patient grabbed the security officer's gun. Fortunately, there was a second security officer in the room. He shot the patient to prevent him from firing the first security officer's gun. I was not injured, but very easily could have been.


That, in addition to some other wake-up calls, pushed me to leave emergency medicine,  start therapy and begin the journey into self-healing.


That journey has continued to today and will never end. It has led me down awesome paths... paths of creativity & artistry, and diving deep into what it truly means to live whole, happy, healthy lives, & to live as our authentic selves. 


It became clear that my role as a healer had to shift...from someone who practiced medicine of the physical body,  to practicing medicine for the spirit. This is the work I do for myself and for every soul I work with.


I create deep healing spaces for transformation, for evolution, for revealing consciousness...for bringing people back to their true nature. 


If you feel called to work with me, contact me:


I cannot wait to hear from you!


P. S. I now live in the magnificent natural beauty of California!


















Let’s Work Together

Connect with me here!

IG: @_skysharma

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